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Input string

Input string (edit box, see pic.1) is for quick information transmit over COM port under user's control. When selecting this source, data packet on transmit is formed from character input string, only when the string is not empty, otherwise the last sent value will be taken. The edit box will available only when a serial port will open.



Pic.1. Edit box in the main window


If you need to enter special characters with byte code < 32 Dec (ASCII codes) you can do the following:


1.Go to "Options" -> "Special characters parsing" menu item and select (pic.2):



Pic.2 Parse mode selection


Parse #XX hex codes - then you need to enter special characters as #XX, where XX is hexadecimal value of character and #  is character-prefix. If you need to sent character #, type it twice.


Example 1: You need to send character with code 128 (Dec) or 80 (Hex) then input string will be: #80.

Example 2: You need to send character with code 2 (Dec) or 2 (Hex) then input string will be: #02.

Example 3: You need to send string of the form #02MB then input string will be: ##02MB.


In this mode you can send byte with any code from 0 to 255. Just change XX to hexadecimal byte code.


Example 4: #02#20#21#22#03 will be sequence of bytes: 2, 32, 33, 34, 3


Parse ASCII codes with framing characters - in this mode you can enter only valid ASCII codes from the list: NUL, SOH, STX, ETX, EOT, ENQ, ACK, BEL, BS, HT, LF, VT, FF, CR, SO, SI, DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, NAK, SYN, ETB, CAN, EM, SUB, ESC, FS, GS, RS, US. Just type "<", then ASCII code above, ">" (without quotes) .


Example 5: <STX>Test<ETX>



Note: "<" and ">" is framing characters. You can change it in options, on "Data view" tab. If you'll change these characters, then you need to enter new characters in the edit box.


2.Right-click over edit box;
3.Popup menu will appear (pic.2);
4.Select special character from menu;
5.Special character selected will appear after cursor position.




Pic.3 Popup menu



If you need to enter special characters with byte code >= 128 Dec (international characters) you can do the following:


1.Select "Parse #XX hex codes" as described above;
2.Type character byte code as #XX, as showed in examples 1-3.


To send the string, press "Enter" in input string or click "Send" button by mouse. Input string will be cleaned, sent value will be added to the list of sent values.