Brief description:
COM Port Data Emulator is a tool for emulating a com port or an Ethernet device
that generates a serial stream of data. The program can create a data flow, wrap
it to data packets (RS232, TCP/IP, or UDP) and send it to a port.
COM Port Data Emulator can help developers or experts test their
applications. This program can simplify your work's typical processes:
transmit RS232 or IP data from your various data sources, view and log responses,
and much more.
Our software can read a data stream from a text or a binary file or generate
random data packets. You may send data repeatedly.
What problems can be solved with COM Port Data Emulator - Freeware?
Our software is ideal for numerous types of applications: software developers, network technicians, technical Support Staff,
SCADA/telemetry engineers, telecom engineers, application developers.
With this software's help, you can playback your log file and test/configure your software without a device connected to a PC.
You can generate a random data flow and test your system/software/hardware stability in this situation.
Getting started is easy. COM Port Data Emulator - Freeware is ready!
After installation, you may locate a program icon on the desktop or in the Start → Programs menu and
launch COM Port Data Emulator. Then select the COM number,
communication parameters, configure a data source and click the "Start" button.
The program will start generating data flow.