
Cisco Call Manager (CSV) v6. SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager

CDR Repository Manager

Within a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server or cluster, one instance of the CDR Repository Manager runs on the CDR Repository server or node. It manages CDR files that are received from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager nodes and periodically sends the files to the specified customer/third-party billing servers via FTP/SFTP. Our PBX Data Logger polls the FTP server and retrives new data. You should add the "File" data source type and configure a FTP or SFTP connection with the FTP server.

When the file arrives on the CDR Repository server or node, the CDR Repository Manager detects it. The system archives the file in a directory that is dedicated to the date that is indicated by the UTC timestamp that was placed in the file name when the file was created.

If any external billing server is specified in the CDRM configuration, the system creates an empty file in each of the corresponding folders for CAR and the billing servers, if CAR or the corresponding billing server is activated. The CDR Agent monitors new CDR/CMR files that are generated on CallManager servers or nodes by the call processing component. It sends the files to the CDR Repository node and then deletes the local copy after the file is pushed out. The file sender component of the CDR Repository Manager detects these empty files and sends the file to the destination with the specified method. If the delivery is successful, the system removes the empty file in the destination directory. Every Cisco Unified Communications Manager can generate one CDR file and one CMR file every minute for up to 1 hour. You can configure the maximum disk space that is used for storage of CDR files in the CDR Repository through provisioning. The File Manager component of the CDR Repository Manager runs hourly. When the File Manager runs, it deletes files with dates outside the configured preservation duration. It also checks whether disk usage has exceeded the high water mark. If so, the system deletes the processed CDR files until the low water mark is reached, starting with the oldest files. However, if any CDR file to be deleted was not successfully sent to the specified billing server, the system leaves it in the CDR Repository and raises a notification or alarm. The system creates a flag file during the configured maintenance window, which denies access to the CDR files for the CDR onDemand Service. The system removes the flag file after the maintenance window expires.

For detailed procedures on configuring the CDR Repository Manager and customer billing servers, see "Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call Detail Records Administration Guide"


Data flow diagram

CDR fields

For detailed description of CDR fields, see here:
Cisco CallManager 6
Cisco CallManager 7
Cisco CallManager 8

Configuring PBX Data Logger

1. Create the new "File" data source.
2. Click "Actions → Add...".
3. Select the "FTP" file transfer protocol and configure connection with a FTP server on your PBX.
4. Adjust read options.

Adding a new file data source for Cisco Call Manager

Cisco Call Manager. Data source selection dialog.

Cisco Call Manager. Folders and files.

Configuring FTP connection to Cisco Call Manager





Adjusting read options for Cisco Call Manager

Selecting the correct parser for Cisco Call Manager (CSV) v6

Parser Selection For Cisco Call Manager (CSV) v6 - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

Cisco Call Manager (CSV) v6

Cisco Call Manager (CSV) v6

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Cdr Record TypeintegerCDRRECORDTYPE
Date Time OriginationintegerCALL_TIME
Date Time OriginationintegerCALL_TIME2
Original Node IdintegerORIGNODEID
Calling Party NumberstringCALLINGPARTYNUMBER
Destination Node IdintegerDESTNODEID
Original Called Party NumberstringORIGINALCALLEDPARTYNUMBER
Authorization Code ValuestringAUTH
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Call typestringCALL_TYPE
Dialed phonestringDIALED_PHONE
Caller phonestringCALLER_PHONE
Global CallID call Manager IdintegerGLOBALCALLID_CALLMANAGERID
Global CallID call IdintegerGLOBALCALLID_CALLID
Original Leg Call IdentifierintegerORIGLEGCALLIDENTIFIER
Original SpanintegerORIGSPAN
Original Ip AddrintegerORIGIPADDR
Original Cause locationintegerORIGCAUSE_LOCATION
Original Cause valueintegerORIGCAUSE_VALUE
Original Precedence LevelintegerORIGPRECEDENCELEVEL
Original Media Transport Address IPintegerORIGMEDIATRANSPORTADDRESS_IP
Original Media Transport Address PortintegerORIGMEDIATRANSPORTADDRESS_PORT
Original Media Cap payload CapabilityintegerORIGMEDIACAP_PAYLOADCAPABILITY
Original Media Cap max Frames Per PacketintegerORIGMEDIACAP_MAXFRAMESPERPACKET
Original Media Cap g723 Bit RateintegerORIGMEDIACAP_G723BITRATE
Original Video Cap CodecintegerORIGVIDEOCAP_CODEC
Original Video Cap BandwidthintegerORIGVIDEOCAP_BANDWIDTH
Original Video Cap ResolutionintegerORIGVIDEOCAP_RESOLUTION
Original Video Transport Address IPintegerORIGVIDEOTRANSPORTADDRESS_IP
Original Video Transport Address PortintegerORIGVIDEOTRANSPORTADDRESS_PORT
Destination Leg IdentifierintegerDESTLEGIDENTIFIER
Destination SpanintegerDESTSPAN
Destination Ip AddrintegerDESTIPADDR
Final Called Party NumberstringFINALCALLEDPARTYNUMBER
Destination Cause locationintegerDESTCAUSE_LOCATION
Destination Cause valueintegerDESTCAUSE_VALUE
Destination Precedence LevelintegerDESTPRECEDENCELEVEL
Destination Media Transport Address IPintegerDESTMEDIATRANSPORTADDRESS_IP
Destination Media Transport Address PortintegerDESTMEDIATRANSPORTADDRESS_PORT
Destination Media Cap payload CapabilityintegerDESTMEDIACAP_PAYLOADCAPABILITY
Destination Media Cap max Frames Per PacketintegerDESTMEDIACAP_MAXFRAMESPERPACKET
Destination Media Cap g723 Bit RateintegerDESTMEDIACAP_G723BITRATE
Destination Video Cap CodecintegerDESTVIDEOCAP_CODEC
Destination Video Cap BandwidthintegerDESTVIDEOCAP_BANDWIDTH
Destination Video Cap ResolutionintegerDESTVIDEOCAP_RESOLUTION
Destination Video Transport Address IPintegerDESTVIDEOTRANSPORTADDRESS_IP
Destination Video Transport Address PortintegerDESTVIDEOTRANSPORTADDRESS_PORT
Destination RSVP Audio StatstringDESTRSVPAUDIOSTAT
Destination RSVP Video StatstringDESTRSVPVIDEOSTAT
Date Time ConnectdatetimeDATETIMECONNECT
Date Time DisconnectdatetimeDATETIMEDISCONNECT
Last Redirect DnstringLASTREDIRECTDN
Original inal Called Party Number PartitionstringORIGINALCALLEDPARTYNUMBERPARTITION
Calling Party Number PartitionstringCALLINGPARTYNUMBERPARTITION
Final Called Party Number PartitionstringFINALCALLEDPARTYNUMBERPARTITION
Last Redirect Dn PartitionstringLASTREDIRECTDNPARTITION
Original Device NamestringORIGDEVICENAME
Destination Device NamestringDESTDEVICENAME
Original Call Termination On Behalf OfintegerORIGCALLTERMINATIONONBEHALFOF
Destination Call Termination On Behalf OfintegerDESTCALLTERMINATIONONBEHALFOF
Original Called Party Redirect On Behalf OfintegerORIGCALLEDPARTYREDIRECTONBEHALFOF
Last Redirect Redirect On Behalf OfintegerLASTREDIRECTREDIRECTONBEHALFOF
Original Called Party Redirect ReasonintegerORIGCALLEDPARTYREDIRECTREASON
Last Redirect Redirect ReasonintegerLASTREDIRECTREDIRECTREASON
Destination Conversation IdintegerDESTCONVERSATIONID
Join On Behalf OfintegerJOINONBEHALFOF
Auth Code DescriptionstringAUTHCODEDESCRIPTION
Authorization LevelintegerAUTHORIZATIONLEVEL
Client Matter CodestringCLIENTMATTERCODE
Original DTMF MethodintegerORIGDTMFMETHOD
Destination DTMF MethodintegerDESTDTMFMETHOD
Call Secured StatusintegerCALLSECUREDSTATUS
Original Conversation IdintegerORIGCONVERSATIONID
Original Media Cap BandwidthintegerORIGMEDIACAP_BANDWIDTH
Destination Media Cap BandwidthintegerDESTMEDIACAP_BANDWIDTH

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

Our PBX Reports utility offers various manual, scheduled, and email reports, includes a built-in web server, and more. You can set up your call accounting system for Cisco Call Manager (CSV) v6. Look here

Want PBX call logs in a database?

The logger, as a standard feature, captures and exports SMDR or CDR data in real-time, sending it to your database.. Follow this link

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