
Siemens Unify Openscape 4000 (TCP). SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.

Configuring PBX settings

In case of customer access or reporting, then the second NIC can be used for reporting access/RDP, etc. It is not as convenient as the SFTP method, but this is the best possible if port-based logging is required. The reason is that the OSK4 does not expose the CDR output on a string basis TCP out on production interfaces and uses a special internal LAN of the OSK4 called "Atlantic LAN."

DEV2 must be mapped to the Atlantic port via AMO LSSM.

The selection group must be as shown below. All other settings remain the same as for the SFTP data collection method. Collection is from the direct CDR port (Atlantic LAN)


Note: The Atlantic LAN port on OS4K has fixed network settings 192.0.2.X/24. The server on which the logger is installed should have similar settings. In most cases, it must have two NIC cards. The data collection server will use the second network card only for connections to the PBX. The second NIC must have an IP address that belongs to the 192.0.2.X/24 subnet without a gateway.

Configuring PBX Data Logger as a TCP client

Our software should work in the TCP client mode. It means that our software will initiate connection with the PBX and the PBX will work as a server. Add one or several PBX IP addresses here (the IP address of the (none)). The port number should match the port that you have defined within the PBX (1202 in the example below).

1. Add a new configuration with the TCP data source (if you didn't it before).

TCP/IP Data Interface

2. Configure the TCP settings as shown below.

TCP Client Mode - Siemens Unify Openscape 4000 [TCP]


Selecting the correct parser for Siemens Unify Openscape 4000 (TCP)

Parser Selection For Siemens Unify Openscape 4000 (TCP) - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

Siemens Unify Openscape 4000 (TCP)

Siemens Unify Openscape 4000 (TCP)

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Call typestringCALL_TYPE
Call timedatetimeCALL_TIME
Calling domain and nodestringFLAG4
Calling numberstringFLAG1
Destination domain and nodestringFLAG5
Destination numberstringFLAG2
Calling partystringCALLIPTY
Caller phonestringCALLER_PHONE
Ring duration (s)integerRING_S
Ring durationdatetimeRING
Dialed phonestringDIALED_PHONE
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Call duration (s)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Costs calulated on output with include value-added taxfloatCOST
Route codestringROUTCN
Call charge unitsstringCHRGUNIT
Hold duration in secondsfloatHOLDDUR
Pin codestringPIN
Supplement servicestringSUPLSERV
Cause of connection/interrupt/clearing the callstringCAUSE
Service codestringSERVICE
Call phasesstringSWP
Through connect (yes/no)stringUNANS
Number of passed through transit nodesstringTRANSCNT
Record pointstringRECPT
Local/global (leg) idstringGLOBLSEQ
Queuing duration in secondsfloatQUEUEDUR
Tread (global) call idstringTHRESEQ
Station IDstringSTNID
Identification of calling party numberstringCALLIID
Identification number of destination numberstringDESTPID
Attendant console groupstringATNDGRNO
Redirecting partystringRTINGPTY
ACD agent IDstringACDAGTID
Attendant call typestringATTCALLT
Account codestringACC

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

Our offering includes the PBX Reports utility with manual, scheduled, and email report capabilities, a built-in web server, and additional features. You can establish your call accounting system for Siemens Unify Openscape 4000 (TCP). Look here

Want PBX call logs in a database?

As a standard feature, the logger is designed to capture and export SMDR or CDR data in real-time to your database.. Follow this link

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