
Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise (Ethernet Real Time). SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.


The real time accounting (or on the fly) over Ethernet has been designed to emit tickets towards an external accounting application. These tickets can be masked on the level of the number emitted according to the type of communication (normal, business and personal). The type of tickets (public, private, outgoing, incoming and so on) can be filtered. The format of the tickets is identical to that of the tickets stored in compressed form (/usr4/account/*.DAT).
IMPORTANT: The use of the real time accounting is exclusive: the selection of the tickets via Ethernet prohibits the use of the output of the tickets on V24 interface and vice-versa.


The following software locks (license) must be available:
- V24MeteringOnFly (Number 51)
- AccountingEthernet (Number 83)

PCX settings

Configure the Accounting objects as follows:
Applications -> Accounting
Internal Accounting = Yes
Real Time Tickets Output = Ethernet

WARNING: Accounting filters can be set so that only the required tickets are emitted. Select among the list below only the type of tickets exploited by the external application:
ApplicationS -> Accounting
Attributes: Real-Time Tick. Outp. Parameters
  Public Outgoing PCX calls (The major outgoing ticket when PCX is stand alone)
  Public Outgoing Network Calls
  PCX Network Calls (2)
  Private Outgoing PCX Calls
  Private Outgoing Network Calls
  Public Incoming PCX Calls
  Public Incoming Network Calls
  Private Incoming PCX Calls
  Private Incoming Network Calls
  Priority Incoming Calls
  Data Outgoing/Incoming Calls
  Public Outgoing 0 Unit Calls (1)
  Non Ticketed User
  PCX PCX Calls (2)
  PCX Transit Calls (2)
  PCX/Netw Count. Tick. Duration 0
  CDR (Tickets) Management (2)

Configuring PBX Data Logger as a TCP client

Our software should work in the TCP client mode. It means that our software will initiate connection with the PBX and the PBX will work as a server. Add one or several PBX IP addresses here (the IP address of the (none)). The port number should match the port that you have defined within the PBX (2533 in the example below).

1. Add a new configuration with the TCP data source (if you didn't it before).

TCP/IP Data Interface

2. Configure the TCP settings as shown below.

TCP Client Mode - Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise


Selecting the correct parser for Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise (Ethernet Real Time)

Parser Selection For Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise (Ethernet Real Time) - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise (Ethernet Real Time)

Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise (Ethernet Real Time)

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
Called numberstringDIALED_PHONE
Charged numberstringEXT
Charged user namestringCHARGED_USER_NAME
Charged cost centerstringCHARGED_COST_CENTER
Charged companystringCHARGED_COMPANY
Charged party nodestringCHARGED_PARTY_NODE
Caller phonestringCALLER_PHONE
Call typestringCALL_TYPE
Call type namestringFLAG3
Cost typestringCOST_TYPE
End timedatetimeEND_TIME
Charge unitsstringCHARGE_UNITS
Cost infostringCOST_INFO
Call duration (s)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Trunk identitystringTRUNK_IDENTITY
Trunk group identitystringTRUNK_GROUP_IDENTITY
Access codestringAUTH
External facilitiesstringEXTERNAL_FACILITIES
Internal facilitiesstringINTERNAL_FACILITIES
Initial dialed numberstringINITIAL_DIALED_PHONE
Ring duration (s)integerRING_S
Ring durationdatetimeRING
Effective call duration (s)integerDURATION_EFFECTIVE_S
Redirected call indicatorstringFLAG2
Call timedatetimeCALL_TIME
Acting extensionstringACTING_EXT
Called extension nodestringCALLED_EXT_NODE
Calling extension nodestringCALLIG_EXT_NODE
Initial extension nodestringINITIAL_EXT_NODE
Acting extension nodestringACTING_EXT_NODE

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

We offer the versatile PBX Reports utility, which comes with manual, scheduled, and email reports, a built-in web server, and other functionalities. You can implement your call accounting system for Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise (Ethernet Real Time). Look here

Want PBX call logs in a database?

The logger's standard feature includes the real-time capture and exportation of SMDR or CDR data to your database.. Follow this link

Note: Products and companies mentioned here are used only for definition and identification purposes and can be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective companies.