
Alcatel OmniPCX Office (OHL Driver XML). SMDR/CDR data format and connection settings

This data is being extracted with help of the "Advanced PBX Data Logger" software only. It may not applicable for other software titles.


You need to purchase "a Metering License" from Alcatel. It is impossible to record call accounting data via IP or RS232 without ordering a Metering License for CAPInterface and using OHL Driver (doesn't work if you do not have the metering license inside your PBX).

Configuring OXO

1. Open "OmniPCX Office Management Console" and connect to your PBX using the "Installer" account.
2. Go to the "Software Key Features → Network Management" tab and ensure that the "Call account over IP" option is enabled.

Metering license

3. Go to the "Metering → Printout" tab and set the following options.

SMDR settings

4. Go to the "System → Management Password" tab and set the password for "Administrator".

Metering password

OLD Driver / OHL Driver

1. Create a C:\Logs folder. The driver will store data in this folder.
2. Download the latest version of the Office Link Driver (for example, OLD Driver).
3. Start the installation wizard and select the "Metering mode" there. On a computer with 64 bit OS this driver will be installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel\OHL Driver\
4. Go to the driver folder, right click over appliconf.exe and select "Run as Administrator".

OLD driver configuration

5. Specify the IP address of your PBX and the admin password, then click the "Test Connection" button. If the test is successful then you should click the "Save" button.
6. Open OhlDriver.conf in the program folder using Notepad or any other text editor.
7. Scroll to the "Metering parameters" group and specify the created folder after METERING_COLLECTOR_DIR=. Change METERING_COLLECTOR_MAX_TICKET to 100000 (after this limit the driver will create a new XML file).
Then save the file.

# Metering parameters

8. Start the driver by clicking the "Start" button. OLD Driver will create and update the "TicketCollector.xml" file in the "C:\Logs\" folder. The content of the XML file should look like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CallAccountingList xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="TicketCollector.xsd"><CallAccounting xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="CAPTicket_V001.001.xsd">
			<SoftwareVersion>3EH30394DVAA ALZCH710/070.001</SoftwareVersion>

9. Create the "File" data source in the PBX logger and add the folder with the "TicketCollector.xml" file.

File data source 1

File data source 2

File data source 3

Configuring a COM port

The COM port number should match the number in your system. You can check the correct port number in Devices Manager → Ports.

1. Add a new configuration with the RS232 data source (if you didn't it before).

RS232 Interface

2. Select the COM port and configure the communication settings for your PBX corresponding to your PBX settings.

RS232 or COM port settings for (none)
Port flow control settings (none)

Selecting the correct parser for Alcatel OmniPCX Office (OHL Driver XML)

Parser Selection For Alcatel OmniPCX Office (OHL Driver XML) - SMDR/CDR call logging & accounting

Alcatel OmniPCX Office (OHL Driver XML)

Alcatel OmniPCX Office (OHL Driver XML)

Data items

DescriptionData typeColumn name
CPU IP addressstringFLAG1
Ticket typestringCALL_TYPE
Charged user typestringFLAG2
Charged user IDstringEXT
Subscriber namestringACC
Call directionstringDIRECTION
Trunk typestringFLAG3
Call datedatetimeCALL_DATE
Start timedatetimeSTART_TIME
Call timedatetimeCALL_TIME
Call durationdatetimeCALL_DURATION
Call duration (s)integerCALL_DURATION_S
Taxes amountstringFLAG4
Dialed phonestringDIALED_PHONE
Caller phonestringCALLER_PHONE
Dialling modestringFLAG6
Ringing durationdatetimeRING

Interested in reports for PBX usage?

With our PBX Reports utility, you get manual, scheduled, and email reporting options, a built-in web server, and other functionalities. Set up your call accounting system for Alcatel OmniPCX Office (OHL Driver XML). Look here

Want PBX call logs in a database?

Real-time capture and export of SMDR or CDR data to your database is a standard feature of the logger.. Follow this link

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